वजन बढ़ाने के लिए इन घरेलू उपचारों का उपयोग करें
Use these home remedies to gain weight, you will see the effect in a few days
वजन बढ़ाने के लिए इन घरेलू उपचारों का उपयोग करें, आपको कुछ दिनों में असर दिखेगा
Nowadays you must have seen people who are troubled by their increasing obesity and always try too much to lose weight. Many people change their diet, some people increase their exercise routine very much. Who become a part of their obesity
Those people do something in such a way that their weight can be reduced in any way and they can keep themselves fit. But at the same time, there are other people who are worried about increasing their weight. There are a lot of such people, not one or two or three people are going through this problem. Those whose weight is not increasing due to some reason.
Nowadays, as much as the problems are for those who lose weight, the same problem is also for the weight gainers, nowadays the loss of weight has also become a serious problem. Friends, if you are also troubled by your leanness, then there is no need to be upset anymore. We will definitely help you out of this problem.

We will tell you through this article here that how you can increase your weight at home, you can keep yourself fit. But before that you know what could be the reason behind your leanness.
- reason
- Due to nutritional deficiency.
- Tension.
- Loss of appetite.
- Diarrhea.
- Pancreas infection
- Side effects of medicines
- Due to chemotherapy or thyroid medication.
- Diseases like cancer and diabetes.
Weight gain measures
Ghee and Sugar ::
If you also want to increase your weight in a short time, then you have the option of ghee which will work to fit you in a few days. Consuming ghee and sugar to increase weight will be very beneficial for you. Ghee and sugar help to make your body healthy.
It is a natural remedy, which has been used for centuries for health. For this, prepare a mixture of ghee and sugar and you can eat it every day before eating. With this, you will automatically see an effect on your body in a few days.
Eat something once in a while ::
Many people have a habit that they try and do so that they should eat as much food as they can at one go, while they should not do so. By doing this you have problems related to digestion. Who eat like this
For this, you have to take three big meals a day and take 2-3 small snacks in between them, start your day with a snack and then eat different types of food every 2-3 hours. Before you go to bed to sleep.
Avocado ::
Friends, if you also want to increase your weight immediately, then start taking avocado as soon as possible. Here, as a way to get fat, you can definitely choose some special fruits with fat. For this, avocado can prove to be very beneficial for you and it will be beneficial for your health. Avocado is a special type of fruit that contains a lot of calories in which fat is present. If you consume it regularly, your leanness can go away in a few days.
Healthy Diet ::
Our diet has a direct effect on our body, so what you eat definitely has an effect on your body. Eat foods that are healthy, rich in nutrients and full of calories. It is suggested that you do not eat too much harmful and fat-rich foods, because you will gain weight in an unhealthy way due to which you may have many diseases.